Seattle, WA- The first Seattle Deaf Film Festival is coming soon!
Deaf Spotlight, an organization that focuses on Deaf culture, cinema, performing arts and visual arts, is proud to present the Seattle Deaf Film Festival.
The festival promises a full weekend of films on, about, and for Deaf community. This three day event will begin on March 30, 2012 and will be held at Kane Hall on the University of Washington campus. It is the first film festival of its kind in the Pacific Northwest.
The Festival’s calendar includes both feature length and short films from local and international artists in the categories of: documentary, drama/suspense, action, comedy, and animation. According to Patty Liang, director of the festival, the committee screened over seventy films making it a difficult task to choose only a few of them for the festival. Patty added that, “We are very lucky to have a strong core committee and supporters sharing a passion for cinema and working together to make this a reality.” Films will be accessible to both deaf and hearing persons, with many in American Sign Language but all subtitled in English.
The Seattle Deaf Film Festival is excited to have so much participation from the film making community in so many different topics and genres. We look forward to growing this community, forging new partnerships, and inspiring more new filmmakers in the future.
Sponsors of the Seattle Deaf Film Festival include Seattle Office of Arts and Cultural Affairs, and University of Washington Department of Linguistics, AccessComputing, Office of Diversity & Minority Affairs, Association of Disabled Students, the Q Center, Sprint, ZVRS, ADWAS, Stranger Ticketing and Reel Grrls.
More information on ticketing, schedule, and details are available at